
This series consists of nine different collages in collaboration with Austrian fashion designer.
The collages were published online at mirror mirror magazine and les nouveaux riches magazine in January & February 2022.

The great Team 
Photo - Hannah Sobol (@hannahsobol)
Styling - Jennifer Milleder (@jennifermilleder)
MakeUp - Angela Acopian (@artistacopian)

The great Talents/Models
Isi Rosenberg (@isi_or_)
Raky @dasdeck (@Rakyjosefine)
Daria @dasdeck (@dariadyv)


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Credits: 1 Earrings: Jennifer Milleder /Shirt-dress: Angelika Öllinger /Wet-coat, Tights and Heels: Vanessa Schreiner /Gloves: Swarovski x Jennifer Milleder 2 Hat: Rains /Goggles: Stylist´s Own Trompe l´oeil Body: Jennifer Milleder /Chaps: Hvala 3 Ilija Wig and Suit Jacket: Angelika Öllinger /Shirt: Hvala Ilija /Umbrella Necklace: Vanessa Schreiner 4 Wig and Suit Jacket: Angelika Öllinger /Shirt: Hvala Ilija /Umbrella Necklace: Vanessa Schreiner 5 Hat, Scarf and Bra: Stylist´s Own /Gloves: Zara /PVC Coat: Jennifer Milleder /Tights: Falke /Leggings: Henrik Vibskov 6 Earrings: Anton Heunis /Flowered silk Suit: Hvala Ilija /Shirt: Monki /Boots: Mario Cerutti Crystal Earrings, Catsuit and Suit-Dress: Jennifer Milleder /Tulle Dress: Love Copenhagen Hat: Jennifer Milleder x Sophie Falkeis /Crystal Collier: Zara /Shirt and Pants: Jennifer Milleder 9 Earrings: SNÖ of Sweden /Pailletten Longsleeve: MM6 Maison Margiela /Mirror Corset and Tulle Dress: Jennifer Milleder

Linda Stern - visual artist 

© Linda Stern 2021
Art Direction I Graphic Design I Collagist

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